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mission 1: history

Earthlings have also study the structure of the Universe along their history. They have had different theories and models going from divine interpretations of the ancient civilizations to the current ones, result of their scientific and technological development. Although they do not have interstellar spaceships as the Magrithian ones they have tried to explore the space at a closer scale and have carried out some trials to communicate with extraterrestrial communities. In this mission we expect you to carry out a research about their progress and its history by following these tasks.

First of all you should investigate a little bit about the astronomical Earth history. We will infiltrate in their computer and distribute the work. Each one should choose on historic character from this and create a biography filling the information required in the different sides of the biocube model. Once done cut it, stick it on a cardboard and build it.

time line

Once done this research we will celebrate a meeting and everybody will present his cube explaining to the rest the character he has studied. While listening the other we will fill a table with the different astronomical theories and contributions that we will need to complete the last activity.

Now, in teams, create a time line with the information collected during the meeting using the app “Timeline” in the ipads.

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