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(All the cases that appear are totally fictitious)


My name is Susan, I am 40 years old and I work the Human Resources department of an office in Manhattan. Ten years ago, I started to get recurring flus. It was a pain because there was no way to get rid of them. I thought that the temperature changes and the air conditioning in the office had something to do with it.
I got over the flu and I was fine, but a little more tired when doing my normal everyday tasks, although I assumed that this happens to all of us as we get older. I started to worry when I got a red bump on my face, so I went to the doctor to get it checked out. He told me that it looked like a Kaposi's sarcoma and sent me for a blood test.

Diagnostic test: The results of the blood test showed a CD4 cell count of 150.


My name is Amina, I am 17 years old, I live in Tanzania and I am pregnant. I have a fever, headache, chills and vomiting. I thought I had a cold or that it was due to the pregnancy, but I continued to feel ill with a bad headache and difficulty breathing. It produced a very sharp abdominal pain and I was scared because I thought that I may have lost the child. So, I have walked many kilometers to come to the hospital. The problem is that if I have to take any medication, I do not have the money to buy it. They have sent me for a blood test.

Diagnostic test: Under the microscope the presence of Plasmodium falciparum in the blood sample is observed.


My brother Jaime is now 42 years old, he was always an excitable and hyperactive child. At age 16, he started using drugs. After that, at 18, he was in Proyecto Hombre and, not without difficulties, he rehabilitated himself. Then he had a couple of relapses. If he took something most of the time you saw him violent and melancholic not high and enjoying the pleasure of the chemical. His life has always been stumbling, with times of being isolated at home without going out. We already perceived in him a lack of responsibility to face life. He’s not even able to organize his finances. Now he is hearing voices, the TV talks to him, and the night terrors stop him from sleeping. On more than one occasion he has hurt himself. A couple of times he has cut his wrists or had his stomach pumped.
The whole family is very worried and that is why we have gone to the doctor to see what we can do.


My name is Alejandra, I'm from León and I'm 63 years old. More than a year ago I got a sore in my mouth that would not heal. I did not give it much importance but my neck and throat started to hurt, although I thought it might be normal because I've been smoking since I was 20 and I often have a cough. Also, a few days ago I noticed a lump in my jaw. I started worrying and went to the doctor who sent me for a CAT scan (computerized tomography test or TAC in Spanish).

Diagnostic test: In the CAT, a mass is seen in the jaw.


My name is Gerard, I am a 54-year-old French businessman and I have come to the emergency room because since this morning my back, neck and jaw have been hurting me. In addition to the pain, I feel especially fatigued and I have begun to have nausea, dizziness and cold sweats. I work in a multinational. I travel a lot and I have a lot of stress. Also, because of my lifestyle, my diet is mainly based on fast food such as hamburgers, pizzas and prepared food.
Upon arrival I have an electrocardiogram done.

Dianostic test: Altered electrocardiogram.


Our father Antonio, 75, is suffering frequent memory loss. At first I just forgot where I had put things. Then he began to forget the names of things and repeated what he said several times. In the last days we worried because he did not recognize his eldest son and we decided to bring him to the doctor.

Diagnostic tests: A psychological test is performed that confirms the memory failures and an magnetic resonance (MRI) that shows cortical atrophy.



My name is Pablo and I am 18 years old, I am an active boy and an athlete. I feel fine, although a little tired lately, but I have come to the doctor because I they did a routine blood test in the football team that I belong to and they detected a leukocytosis (excess of white blood cells).

Diagnostic test: Bone marrow biopsy with myeloblasts greater than 30%.


I'm Brian’s co-worker. I have brought him to the ER (emergency room) because in the office he started complaining about losing his strength on the right side of his body and after a few moments he lost the vision of his right eye. We were very scared and decided to take him to the doctor quickly. The truth is that he does not have a very healthy lifestyle, he smokes and drinks a lot and does not eat well.

Diagnostic test Ecodoppler in which an obstruction is observed in the left carotid artery.

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